Fish family fave for Christmas dinner!

Enjoy now or put in the freezer ready for the Christmas dinner!

Enjoy now or put in the freezer ready for the Christmas dinner!

Winter Root Veg Bake

This root veg bake is a real favourite in our house and always appears on the Christmas table. I’ve just made ours and it will sit happily in the freezer until the big day – although not so big this year so I’ve split it into two and will keep the other half for another day!

This quantity generously serves 10 when served with other veg and leaves some spare to use in bubble and squeak.

650g parsnips and 650g mix of swede and carrots cut into even sized chunks

142ml tub soured cream

2 generously rounded tablespoon horseradish sauce

A good tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves

For the top:

50g butter

1 medium onion, finely chopped

50g white breadcrumbs

A handful of thyme leaves

25g parmesan cheese, grated

  •  Put the parsnip, carrot and swede into a large pan of boiling water, cover and cook for approx 20 minutes until tender. Drain really well then mash together till fairly smooth – leave a few lumpy bits!
  • Stir in the soured cream, horseradish and thyme and season well with salt and pepper.
  • Spoon into a large oven proof dish and put to one side.
  • For the topping melt the butter in a frying pan and cook the onion until golden brown.
  • Tip in the breadcrumbs and stir until they are just browning.
  • Add the thyme and then spoon over the veg to roughly cover.
  • Sprinkle the cheese over the top.
  • Bake for 20-25 mins at 190°C / gas 5 / fan 170° until golden brown.
  • If making this ahead then cool and cover and keep in the fridge or freezer. (If cooking from cold give another 10 minutes in the oven.

Martin uses this in our Bubble & Squeak on Boxing Day. It gives a real hit of flavour