Sticky tea time treat in November’s kitchen!

We have tried growing sweet potatoes but have really limited success! The crop’s quite small and they take up so much room in the polytunnel that they’re probably not worth the effort. We didn’t grow any this year so I try and remember to buy one now and again as we really love the taste.

They roast really well and make fantastic roasted chips. Or try a twist on the traditional dish of colcannon. Simply boil large chunks of sweet potato till tender (don’t forget it cooks more quickly than ordinary potatoes) then mash with a generous amount of butter and stir in some steamed cabbage or kale. This is really good with gammon glazed with honey.

Sweet Potato, Cinnamon and Honey Rolls

I’m not a big bread maker but have tried this treat a few times now – it’s something a bit different and is a real sticky, tea time treat!

Takes about 30 minutes plus approximately an hour for rising time

Makes 12 rolls

1 large sweet potato

225g(8oz) strong white bread flour

5ml/1 teaspoon fast action dried yeast

¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon plus extra for dusting

190ml(6.5 floz) milk

1 teaspoon runny honey plus extra for brushing

  • Wash the sweet potato but don’t peel, then pop into a large pan of boiling water. Turn to a simmer and leave to cook for abut 40-45 minutes until the potato feels tender if you insert a sharp knife all the way through it.
  • Drain the water and leave until cool enough to handle. Peel, then put into a bowl and use a potato masher to mash until just smooth.Mash
  • Sift the bread flour into a large bowl then add in the yeast and the ground cinnamon. Stir together to mix.
  • Heat the milk until lukewarm then stir in the honey. Add the potato and the honey milk to the flour mix and stir together with a flat, round bladed knife until everything comes together to form a sticky dough
  • Mix
  • Use floured hands to knead the dough in the bowl for a couple of minutes then turn out onto a well floured surface. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it becomes soft, smooth and elastic. It is quite a sticky dough so keep flouring your hands well. Place in a floured bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Pop in the airing cupboard or a warm place for 30-45 minutes until the dough has risen well.
  • Using floured hands turn the dough out of the bowl and knock back as if punching the dough to remove any air bubbles. Knead for another couple of minutes.
  • Break the dough up into 12 evenly sized pieces and form each one into a roll.
  • Divide
  • Place on a couple of well greased baking trays, cover again and pop back in your warm place. Leave to rise for another 30-45 minutes until the rolls are about doubled in size.
  • Pop in a preheated oven 220C/200fan/gas 7 for 10 minutes until the rolls are golden in colour and sound hollow when tapped on the base.
  • Leave on the tray and using a pastry brush, brush a little runny honey on the top of each roll. Sprinkle with a little extra cinnamon then leave to cool.

These are best served when still warm with honey to dip into. Try slicing some banana to eat with them too.

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