Spring into May with some Greens!

With the asparagus growing so well at the moment we’re trying to use some in most of our dishes and this is one that can be combined with another of our favourite spring veg – spring greens. It’s surprisingly filling and is packed full of goodness. both spring greens and asparagus provide a huge amount of vitamin C and fibre and are full of antioxidants! Perfect for staying super healthy at the moment.

You can of course leave out the bacon if you want a vegetarian version of this dish

 Spring Green tagliatelle with asparagus and crispy bacon

Serves 2 takes about 20 minutes

 1 small bunch of spring green

About 12 spears of asparagus, sliced into 2cm pieces

20g butter plus a generous knob for frying

1 onion, chopped small

1 small pack of lardons, (smoked works well)

1 clove garlic, crushed

20g plain flour

½ litre milk

30g cheddar cheese (or try a blue), grated

Tablespoon chopped parsley

  • Slice spring greens web
  • Separate the leaves of the spring greens and roll them into a fat cigar then slice through them to make long thin strands – this is your spring green tagliatelle!
  • Melt the knob of butter in a large frying pan and add some salt and pepper then fry the spring green tagliatelle over a gentle heat for about 5 minutes until just tender but with a bit of a bite. Remove from the pan and put to one side.
  • Whilst the spring greens are cooking simmer the asparagus in a pan of water for just a couple of minutes then drain and put to one side
  • Heat your frying pan again and add the lardons and fry over a fairly high heat until starting to brown and crisp. Add the onion and garlic and cook more gently until the onion is softened. Put to one side with the vegetables but leave any oil in the pan.
  • Add the 20g butter to the pan to melt then stir in the flour to make a roux. Cook over a gentle heat for a minute then take the pan off the heat and gradually add the milk stirring well with each addition until all the milk is added. Bring to a gentle simmer stirring constantly and cook for a minute then add the cheese and a good grinding of pepper and melt into the sauce.
  • Add asparagus & bacon & onions to sauce web
  • Add the asparagus, bacon and onion to the sauce and stir through then gently add the spring green tagliatelle.
  • Add spring greens to pan web
  • Stir to coat and warm through.
  • Add a little more milk is you like a creamier sauce of add a dollop or creme fraiche.

Serve and top with a scattering of chopped parsley and maybe some garlic bread on the side!

Spring green tagliatelle web