Let’s hope for warmer weather in June

Make your own 'Basil Bar'

Make your own ‘Basil Bar’

In North Yorkshire I reckon the growing season is still a couple of weeks behind as a result of the cold, breezy weather in May. Hopefully, the weather will turn for the better in June and plants will catch up.

At last the roses are starting to flower and to keep them blooming for as long as possible the dead flowers should be removed on a regular basis.

For summer barbeques and salads you can easily create you very own ‘Basil bar’ buy planting a selection of basils into a manger against a warm, sunny wall.

Check gooseberry bushes for the larvae of sawfly larvae that will eat the foliage in a matter of days in not controlled. You can hand pick, spray with an insecticide such as Westland’s Resolver Bug Killer or by apply Nemasys Grow Your Own nematodes over the bush.

Keep an eye out for sawfly

Keep an eye out for sawfly

Tomatoes growing in the greenhouse need supporting to keep them upright and one of the simplest ways it to tie the main stem to a garden cane with some soft string.

Lawns are growing fast now and it’s important to mow at least weekly to keep the grass healthy and in good condition. A well maintained lawn really sets off the garden.

There is still time to sow many summer vegetables and the oriental types such as pak choi are ideal for sowing now. Sow the seeds outside in shallow drills and keep moist in dry weather. In around 5 weeks time you will be harvesting your fresh produce.