Keep enjoying your cucumbers!

We’re about cucumbered out in our kitchen now as the plants have cropped so well this year! I’ve just made a second batch of this relish as we’re getting through the first batch quite quickly! Lunch today was a farmhouse loaf with some Lancashire cheese and some Appletons Cheshire – with cucumber relish on the side of course!

Cucumber Relish

A lot of the time is in the preparation of the cucumbers in this tasty tangy relish – but it really is worth it.

It doesn’t last as long as a chutney but the advantage of a relish is that you can eat it just about straight away – try and hang on for a couple of weeks to let the flavours settle in a bit!

Makes about 6 x 225g jars. Takes about 2 hours altogether.

3 large cucumbers

1 large green pepper, de-seed then dice finely

2 large onions, grated or finely diced

300g carrots, grated

Good tablespoon of salt

Loads of kitchen roll

1 teaspoon mustard seeds

1 teaspoon celery seeds

½ teaspoon ground tumeric

1 litre distilled white vinegar

300g granulated sugar

About 4 tablespoons cornflour & 4 tablespoons of water

Sterilised jars and lids

Everyone has their own way of sterilising their jars but I like to wash in hot soapy water then rinse and put on a teatowel lined baking tray. Pop in the oven – about 140C / Fan 120C/ Gas 2 for about 15 minutes until dry. Use lids that are undamaged – just drop into boiling water for about 3 minutes then dry with a clean teatowel.

  1. Halve the cucumbers lengthways then use a teaspoon to scrape out the seeds from the middle of the pieces
  2. Leaving the skin on, use a coarse grater to grate the cucumber halves
  3. Put into a colander and add in the onions, pepper and grated carrot. Lightly mix together then sprinkle over the salt
  4. Leave for about an hour then rinse under a cold tap, tip out onto kitchen paper and pat dry
  5. Scarpe everything off the paper and into your preserving pan then add in the spices, sugar and vinegar.
  6. Heat gently, stirring until the sugar has dissolved then bring gently up to a boil, stirring often.
  7. Turn down the heat to a medium simmer and cook for 30-45 minutes until the liquid has reduced and thickened quite a lot. It will still be runnier than a chutney though as the cucumber has such a high water content.
  8. In a small bowl add the water to the cornflour and mix together. Stir into the relish and simmer for another 5 minutes until it thickens up.
  9. Carefully pour into your still warm, sterilised jars and pop the lids on tightly. Cool and label then keep in a cool dark place.
  10. This relish should keep for 6-9 months. Once you’ve opened a jar keep in the fridge and eat within 3-4 weeks.Cucumber relish