Get set for Pancake Day


Snip some chives into your pancake batter

Snip some chives into your pancake batter

We love pancakes in our house but only tend to have them on Shrove Tuesday – so we make the most of it! For the sweet pancake we just have freshly squeezed orange juice and maybe a squeeze of golden syrup – you can’t mess around with perfection! But for the savoury starter I always experiment with different fillings. This year we’ve still got a few leeks left in the garden so I’m using one in these Leek and Seafood Pancakes. For a bit of extra flavour snip some chives into your pancake batter before cooking.

Makes 4 pancakes – 2 each. Takes about 50 minutes.

For the pancakes:

Makes 8 pancakes – 4 for this recipe and 4 for a sweet treat afterwards!

100g plain flour

Pinch of salt

1 medium egg

275ml milk

Tablespoon chopped chives

  •  Make the batter in the usual way – Mix the salt with the flour in a large bowl, make a well in the middle and drop the egg into it. Gradually stir the egg in and add the milk a little at a time until all the flour is worked in. Beat well, put half the batter on one side to make pancakes for pudding then stir in the chives to the remaining batter.
  • Heat a little oil in a frying pan and pour in some batter to coat the base of the pan. When golden brown flip over to cook the other side. Turn out on to greaseproof paper and repeat to make four pancakes.

For the filling:

320g pack of mixed fish, cut into bite sized pieces

About 10 large cooked prawns

450ml milk

1 bay leaf

Salt and pepper

1 leek, sliced

25g butter

25g plain flour

Tablespoon of chopped chives

50g Gruyere cheese, grated

  • Pour the milk into a pan and add the mixed fish, bay leaf and a grinding of salt and pepper. Bring to gentle simmer and poach for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave in the milk for about 20 minutes. Drain, removing the bay leaf and reserve the milk.
  • Heat the butter in a frying pan and cook the leeks for about 5 minutes until softened.
  • Stir in the flour and cook for a couple of minutes. Remove from the heat and gradually add the poaching milk, stirring all the time.       Return to the heat and bring to a simmer stirring constantly.
  • Simmer until the sauce has thickened, then add the fish, prawns and the chives. Stir gently to coat.
  • Lay a pancake flat and add a good spoonful of the fish mixture. Spread out then carefully fold in half, then in quarters.
Fill then fold into quarters

Fill then fold into quarters

  • Transfer to a circular ovenproof dish and repeat with the other three pancakes. Spread any remaining sauce over the top and sprinkle over the cheese.
  • Pop in the oven 180C/fan 160/gas4 /350F for about 20 minutes until the cheese is golden brown.