Cauly fan in February’s kitchen

I’ve never really been a fan of cauliflower cheese until recently and now I’ve got the taste for it I’m hooked! It’s really easy to make, is really filling and tasty and can be adapted in all sorts of ways. I love adding bacon to the sauce, it gives it a whole new dimension!

I thought this recipe might be a step too far in my new addiction but it does work and is fast becoming a favourite – be warned though it can have a side effect!


Cauliflower Cheese Soup

1 tblspn olive oil and a good knob of butter

1 small onion and a small leek

1 tblspn plain flour

750ml liquid – milk and stock

I tend to use more 500ml stock and 250ml milk at this stage as you can add more milk at the end

1 medium cauliflower, cut small

125g strong cheddar cheese (you could vary this and use a blue)

2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard


  • Heat the oil and butter in a large saucepan and add the onion. Cook gently without colouring for about 10 minutes until softened
  • Add the flour and stir for about a minute.
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  • Take off the heat and slowly add the stock a bit at a time, stirring all the time. Add the milk and pop back on the heat.
  • Bring to a gentle simmer stirring constantly.
  • Tip in the cauly and cover then cook gently for about 20 minutes until the cauly is tender
  • Grate the cheese and stir into the soup.
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  • Blitz with a stick blender or in a liquidiser and pour back in the pan. Dilute with more milk if it’s too thick and this will make the soup extra creamy. Use stock if you’re being good!
  • Add the mustard and heat gently ready to serve with some crusty brown bread.
  • You could scatter on some crumbled blue cheese before serving to make it a double cheese soup
  • Freezes really well